
Numéro de périodique

appartient à : Accattone

publier dans : Accatone . —

Accattone [Numéro de périodique] /par Ismaël Bennani Sophie Dars Orfée Grandhomme Carlo Menon Ismaël Bennani . - Belgique :Accatone/asbl/vzw :2021
. - 193p. : Couv. en noir et gris ; 32 x 24 . - IN ("Accatone "); Mai 2021

-ISSN : 2295-6255

-Notes :Accattone #7 (May 2021) deals with open-air domesticity and the diplomatic hospitality of land. It presents intellectual and architectural projects, both contemporary and historical, for alternative modes of living.
With Costantino Nivola, SNCDA et al. at the Venice Architecture Biennale, Aglaia Konrad, Alice Paris on De Smet Vermeulen, Osamu Ishiyama and Kenji Kawai, TEN, Wim Cuyvers, moilesautresart, DSCTHK, Piovenefabi, Emmanuelle Chiappone Piriou on Superstudio, Carlo Goncalves on Smiljan Radic, The Museum of Mistakes on Arakawa & Gins, and Zuber panoramic wallpapers.
32 bis, rue Ben Ghedhahem 1000 Tunis - Tunisie
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